First Impressions And My Own Expectations From Boonboomger's Lightspeed Delivery Services
I wrote what I'd dub an even lower-than-amateurish review of Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger's first episode . Writing episode reviews can be enjoyable but also exhausting. I enjoyed doing my whacked-out Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger reviews that can create a drinking game. That whole season was so unique on its own that it's hard for me to drop it. Right now, I feel I'll drop doing episode reviews while I can choose to react to updates. Recently, digital platforms have given me a lot of stuff to "move on to". I'm watching the J-Drama series Vivant . I was overhyped with Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger and I feel the need to slow things down. Talk about slowing things down while Boonboomger is trying to LITERALIZE Lightspeed and Bakuage means "Explosive Increase" or "Blast Off". I think I'll just do reactions on Boonboomger the same way I did with Avatar Sentai Donbrothers . I think watching Boonboomger on a flexible schedule can help me regain my...