Corruption Drama In Boonboomger

Just because newer Super Sentai goes for a mostly lighter and softer approach -- doesn't mean legal drama can't be involved. Sure, we can't have brutal scenes like more mature crime dramas. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger has the International Space Agency. Rather than take the usual easy way out -- Boonboomger decides to add some crime drama into it. The ISA's supposedly responsible for law and order. It turns out that it's been infiltrated by CORRUPTION!

Wairudo Spindo has had been paying off CORRUPT ISA officials. It turns out that Director Eiichiro Tokoyari is a SELF-SERVING PERSON. Tokoyari enters into what might be an uneasy deal with Wairudo. This is a typical crime drama element when it comes to CORRUPT OFFICIALS. This might be in a different light than Captain Ryuuya Asami's involvement in Mirai Sentai Timeranger. Ryuuya didn't have any real alliances with the Londarz Family. It was more like Ryuuya chose to let them escape as part of his convoluted grand scheme. Here? Tokoyari has an alliance with the Hashiryans.

There were blink-and-you'll-miss hints that the director is a corrupt man. How in the world would Tokoyari know Cannonborg's location THAT EASILY? It's too good to be true! Shirabe Saibu tries to get the source of information. However, the difficult gestures that Tokoyari make by saying, "Oh it's confidential!" can be a hint something's WRONG. Episode 29 has Tokoyari send a spy named Sutea to infiltrate the Boonboomgers. Tokoyari may have gotten wired money from Wairudo one way or another.

Shirabe Saibu has long suspected some corruption in the division. Will Shirabe get help from her friend Miami Baisu (a reference to Miami Vice) or not? Investigating ISA will be risky. Shirabe is working for the ISA. However, the ISA has been infiltrated by Wairudo. The current director Tokoyari is a SCUMBAG. I'm actually crossing my fingers to see Shirabe get development even if she's meant to be a sideline character. 
