How I Believe Kiramager May Have Renewed Interest In Super Sentai After Last Year's Ryusoulger

Just thinking about the recent trademark Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger means Super Sentai will celebrate its 45th anniversary. I remembered a couple of times I actually questioned if Super Sentai can still last that long when Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger became the 35th and when Gougou Sentai Boukenger became the 30th. I even thought that Doubotsu Sentai Zyuohger could be the last. Heck, the movie Doubotsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Shuriken Sentai Ninninger really had the phrase, "The history of Sentai - it's over!" line! Zyuohger was suffering from really low ratings. Fortunately, we had two beautifully inventive series Ucchu Sentai Kyuranger and Kaito Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger to follow up two years of beautifully pointless entries. Last year, Kishinryu Sentai Ryusoulger really WENT BACK TO DINOSAURS - which caused me to question Toei's love affair with dinosaurs. Not surprisingly, Hasbro now decides to use Ryusoulger as the source material for their next Power Rangers after Power Rangers Beast Morphers. Last year, I secretly questioned if Ryusoulger could spell the end of Super Sentai. Not surprisingly, I'm really questioning now if Power Rangers Dino Fury could really be the end of Power Rangers. I even started to question if this year's Mashin Sentai Kiramager would save Super Sentai.  

I remembered watching the first few episodes of Kiramager. At first, it had the Ressha Sentai ToQGer vibes and a train is rightfully added into the show. Kiramager also had the power of imagination although the rangers are all adults - not some children who are stuck in adult bodies. ToQGer did get its fanbase and I'd like to still thank the show for probably making Kiramager possible. The power of imagination is once again the theme of the show even when Juuru seems to be the one running most of it. Kiramager also does away with some of the gimmicks ToQGer introduced (such as color swapping) while maintaining the happy, likable cast of characters in the battle of light vs. darkness. ToQGer had the Shadow Line and Kiramager has Yodonheim. I didn't immediately like ToQGer (at first) and I was afraid Naruhisa Arakawa may have hit the same zone as Yasuko Kobayashi. Fortunately, Arakawa got all the help he can get with other unfamiliar writers whilst Kobayashi wasn't that lucky. Fortunately, ToQGer won a public service award on Railroad Day in Japan. Kiramager was later seen promoting safety rules. I wonder if Kiramager has some award for promoting safety rules and I missed it? ToQGer managed to create a following which probably helped Kiramager a lot. 

I could really agree with Shogo B'Stard's assessment that Ryusoulger did hit rock bottom. Sure, Ryusoulger did have its Kishinryu-Oh Three Knights winning an award but was it enough? Unfortunately, I have to agree with this Youtuber about the possible decline in Super Sentai when it came to going back to dinosaurs. At least, Kiramager in itself really manages to do some new stuff, try to improve some stuff that ToQGer had started such as the imagination power concept. I felt that the villains of Ryusoulger are really disorganized or that going back to dinosaurs might be a clear sign of desperation. Kiramager did its concept with mostly imagination power, it did the right thing with Arakawa considering his stint during Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger, and that it's actually a refreshing trip. I felt Ryusoulger soon became the Kou and Canaro show. Worse, Canaro was really THAT ANNOYING that I was glad that Kazusa rejected him in Kishinryu Sentai Ryusoulger vs. Kaito Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Lupinranger. Fortunately, Takamichi's arrival is nothing like Canaro. Canaro was just reduced to a joke - something that made him even more annoying than he already started. 

Kiramager did have an unfortunate setback when the Legacy Virus hit the big time in Japan. Rio Komiya got hit by the Legacy Virus and was admitted to a hospital. Fortunately, Komiya recovered from the Legacy Virus. It had to really rush things when the hiatus hit due to Toei's studio having to close for disinfection. The hiatus between episode 10 and 11 really was a result of the series of unfortunate events. Fortunately, filming is back though they had to rush in Takamichi to make up for the delay. I don't even think Kiramager may have that many episodes as it was planned especially Zenkaiger is already registered. I even had that aura of negativity that Kiramager may be "best for last". Instead, Kiramager caused Toei to disprove those classic words "The history of Sentai - it's over!" from Zyuohger vs. Ninninger to be wrong again. Kyuranger set back Super Sentai to a new direction, Lupinranger vs. Patranger did have older fans liking it, and Kiramager does manage to make up for Ryusoulger last year. Ryusoulger was a downer that's why I felt like taking a break. Kiramager didn't give me that feeling and I felt bad it really had to take a break. 

We're going to hit the 45th mark next year. This year is also Goranger's 45th anniversary. Anyway, Go Go Super Sentai! 


  1. Kirameiger is psuedo original after another year of DINOSAURS.
    After Oh Ranger. Red Rangers have been Young , rookie, weak willed, goof balls.

    This Red is so Autistic(and I spelled it correctly).
    They are terrible but characters such as Mega Red, Magired and Geki Red aren’t too shabby compared to Kiramei Red.
    Also. It seems they only have 3 sets of Robots.


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