Two Tsurugis That Sent "The Starry Sky's Message" Across Their Respective Universes

This week's Kyuranger reminded me of Changeman's 21st episode. Okay, don't expect me to do Changeman episode reviews because I did a marathon on those shows. Without much ado, let's talk about the two Tsurugis that gave a message of hope across the Universe. Take note though that Tsurugi is Change Dragon's surname while Tsurugi is Phoenix Warrior's first name.
Me: *Listens to the song "The Starry Sky's Message from Ucchu Keijii Gavan while typing this entry*

Although the two broadcasts happened at different times in the two different shows and their respective episodes but we can't deny that a certain Tsurugi is involved in this broadcast. Both of the have their motive to raise to motivate others not to give up the fight for freedom. Star King Bazoo has conquered almost the whole Universe in Changeman. Don Armage has conquered the known Universe in Kyuranger. Both Tsurugis stop a broadcast done by the villains to give hope to the planets conquered by the enemy.

Changeman was in a time when CGI was still at its infancy. I'm glad Kyuranger bothered to make a more CGI version of a universal broadcast for the new generation. But both of them contain the motive to inspire people to turn against the universal empire that has captured them.
Both monsters of the week are also involved in the media. Boruta is Gozma's big rock star and an influential figure. Mediatsuyo is a big media man for Jark Matter. Both characters are in charge of the propaganda of their respective empires.
Also, enjoy this rough translation of Gavan's end theme:
Somewhere in the starry sky lay my home
The ones I love call out to me
When the nights weigh down on me with the burden of sadness
I lift up my eyes and gaze at the galaxies far beyond
Don't stop or be mad
Don't give up on your dreams
Countless spots of light whisper
The message from the warm and gentle starry sky
Will the galaxy watching be watching this somewhere?
Perhaps calling out my name
Loneliness makes love stronger
Believe in the day when we can meet with smiles
I too will do my best
Please stay cheerful and well
Your face I miss so much appears in the night sky
Appeal to the message of the starry starry sky
I too will do my best
Please stay cheerful and well
Your face I miss so much appears in the night sky
Appeal to the message of the starry starry sky
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