First Impressions On Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger

Right now, I feel like I'm actually GLAD that we're not having another Dinosaur Sentai (the fourth one, Kishinryu Sentai Ryusoulger is FORGETTABLE IMHO). However, it seems Toei Ltd. may have been making yet another unofficial sequel for Saban Entertainment huh? After giving Knights of Tir Na Nog a "sequel" in Kamen Rider Saber (and no, I refuse to count Ryusoulger in) - I guess they're giving it with Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger. As said, I'll just do updates here when I feel like it (though I'm now enjoying more stuff on Netflix).

The first episode barely scratches the surface... yet. We don't know much about how the four monarchs of the respective countries operate. 

All we know is that Himeno is pretty much like Lili Roquefort in the Tekken series. Her status as a yellow ranger though reminds me of Summer Landsdown who had a butler. I wonder if her butler will survive though since the one from Power Rangers RPM wasn't too fortunate. 

Rita Kanisuka is ruling judiciaries. It would be hilarious if Rita herself also had a telescope. I doubt it her naming as "Rita" is pretty much just a coincidence. Just thinking about her being named Rita makes me wonder if she'd get references to Power Rangers more often than not? 

Yanma Gust is pretty much a computer genius. Right now, he's yet to unlock his powers. It would be in the next episode. Also, he does get properly paranoid as he suspects something's not right about their would-be leader. 

A scene where Gira first shows up shows some nostalgia. Who can remember playing Power Rangers as a kid? Well, for Japan, that'd be playing Super Sentai though we're yet to see the kids fight over who'd be the red ranger. In my case, I insisted on playing Billy A LOT before. Gira plays the villain to entertain the orphans. I think Gira does have a wild Anime-like personality that may not appeal to Western audiences in general. Gira would become the red ranger with a personality similar to LUCKY from Ucchu Sentai Kyuranger. I'm a fan of Kyuranger but I think Lucky can be a weakness (at times). 

Another part is pretty much who could be a Walking Spoiler. The main king is named Recules Hastie which might be an obvious pun on RECKLESS HASTE. I guess that's pretty much a clue of what kind of person Recules is. Yanma has the right to be paranoid. Yanma senses that Recules is only after power as the ruler of Shugoddam. The king has some selfish ambitions which will reveal themselves shortly. It's revealed he actually NEVER CARES about anyone (while pretending to do so) during the Bugnarok attack. 

Gira, who once had an admiration for King Recules, goes really mad. It turns out that Recules is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing and a Broken Pedestal. What Gira discovers is that not only is the king really nothing more than a Manipulative Bastard. Gira ends up stealing the Ohger-Calibur of the king and become the red ranger himself. This almost reminds me of Captain Ryuuya (a VERY HUGE Walking Spoiler) from Mirai Sentai Timeranger - someone who could've prevented damage but chooses to let it happen for SELFISH REASONS. I even wonder if Gira will ultimately be the Bigger Bad in the long run? It's too early to tell since there's a high chance that Recules might die early on. Later, Recules orders for Gira's arrest and execution all for HIS POWER. 

So far, nothing is known (yet) about the Bugnaroks. All that's known is that it's a 2,000-year-old situation that goes crazy, The prophecy is that the Bugnarok would resurface soon. I wonder how these guys will play into the script? Granted, we've got one Manipulative Bastard of a king. We have the Bugnarok. I wonder if this will end up in a three-way conflict with Recules as a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, the Bugnaroks as obvious evils, and the King-Ohgers who may all be branded as rebels by Recules himself.

Hopefully, the crew responsible will know how to fix some of the things Saber did wrong (such as the rushed toy sales). I actually grew to enjoy Saber in spite of that flaw. I felt the show redeemed itself like I couldn't in many of my terrible fan fiction works! Okay, you can HATE Saber if you want to but I'm not going to shy away from saying that!

So far, it's too early to conclude. I'm impressed by the CGI and more subtly done nostalgia references. Hopefully, Toei will find another way to mix nostalgia and newer stuff. It'd be fun to bring in both younger and older audiences together again. 


  1. Look, I also hate the Kyoryuger-Ryusoulger era, but you seem to hate newer Sentai just because it's new. The thing you said abot Power Rangers elements is a bit of a stretch. Rita is just a name. I think Toei is finally getting its shit together. First episode was great! A never before seen kind of Sentai set in a fantasy world! Loved the designs, the worldbuilding and the mature themes. A hero who symbolically becomes a "villain" to overthrow an unjust King, can't wait to see where it goes.

    1. @Max

      Thanks for dropping by. Okay, I'll admit that I did enjoy the following since 2013:

      1.) I think ToQGer (by now) is actually quite enjoyable even if Yasuko Kobayashi wasn't in the best shape IMHO.

      2.) Kyuranger has to be a big leap for Super Sentai in spite of its blatant weaknesses.

      3.) I think Lupinranger vs. Patranger was an enjoyable attempt overall.

      4.) Kiramager does try to improve what ToQGer left behind.

      5.) Donbrothers is prety much better than Zenkaiger IMHO.

      In my case, I'm liking Super Sentai less in general not ever since other stuff caught up on me.


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