My Thoughts On... Woah... A YODONNA, Age-Restricted, Spin-Off Film?!

Well, sorry really if I'm not giving Zenkaiger updates because of personal stuff. I'm watching Zenkaiger but I'm doing it at my own pace. Heck, I'm watching some new stuff in Netflix and there's also personal stuff to take care off! I do feel the need to watch it at my own pace or maybe I'll soon drop it. I only react to updates - NOT GIVE THEM! So, I thought about what Nihon Hero revealed about an age-restricted spin-off film . Granted, actress Nashiko Momotsuki appeared in GARO VERSUS ROAD which isn't a movie for children. I guess it's only normal to have an age-restricted film, right? The age restriction also made me think SOME bold stars did star in Super Sentai. For example, both Turboranger and Carranger had a bold star namely Kanako Kishi (Jarmin) and Rika Nanase (Zonette). I wonder if Toei really knows what they're doing in allowing such actresses to be starring in what should be a kiddie show? The plot will also involve older alumni r...