
Showing posts from June, 2024

Yup, It's King-Ohger IN SPACE (And Giving My Wacky Thoughts)

Just when I thought that Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger wasn't milked enough with two VS short films  -- another crossover movie is COMING OUT. It's titled Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger IN SPACE . Yes, the title has a strange mix of Japanese and English. I'd prefer it if the official Japanese title was simply spelled out in purely Japanese. However, Toei decided to spell it out in two languages.  Here's the plot revealed by Orends Range : The main cast of the series, namely: Taisei Sakai (Gira Husty/Kuwagata Ohger), Aoto Watanabe (Yanma Gast/Tombo Ohger), Erica Murakami (Hymeno Ran/Kamakiri Ohger), Yuzuki Hirakawa (Rita Kaniska/Papillon Ohger), So Kaku (Kaguragi Dybowski/Hachi Ohger), and Masashi Ikeda (Jeramie Brasieri/Spider Kumonos) will all reprise their respective roles.  In this special, in order to protect peace not only in Chikyu, but throughout the universe, Hymeno met with Tsurugi Ohtori (role reprised by Keisuke Minami), the president of the Space Federation, and Rita c

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episodes 14-15: Two More Serious Than Usual Episodes In A Row

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger started with lighthearted vibes. Sure, I'm not doing episode reviews like I used to. I can be updated with the shows at MY OWN PACE. Episodes 14 and 15 have darker tones -- unlike the latest episode (the introduction of the Sixth Ranger). I felt unusually heavy since most episodes were on the balanced side.  Bakuage 14 has some tense drama build-up What creeps me out is the line that Mira said to Shashiro in Bakuage 14. It gets really emotional. It doesn't help Yuka got admitted to a hospital a few days earlier before passing away. Mira's lines really get emotional. I feel the emotional tensions being spoken After 13 episodes of mostly near-TV-Y7-FV episodes -- we get some emotional tensions. Did anybody say PG-7 shouldn't have sad moments? Super Sentai may have been toned down since 2001 -- probably a kneejerk after Mirai Sentai Timeranger may often be berated for being overly serious or serious for the sake of it. Miya's rightfully berat

Super Sentai's Possible Limitations As A Franchise

  Right now, I'm watching Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger at my own pace. Last year was when I enjoyed the incredibly awkward festival in Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger . It's no secret that I PERSONALLY prefer Super Sentai over Power Rangers . However, I keep in mind that there's NO perfect Super Sentai  season . The franchise never gets better all the time. Next year will be better or next year will be worse. There are new concepts to test. New concepts may become well-implemented or not. Now, let's get down to business, shall we?  Super Sentai is VERY Japan-centric because of the home country where it's in  Superhero fiction is always meant to suspend logic -- to a certan extent. Super Sentai is no different and you may notice some popular references to American superheroes and shows. If American superheroes have aliens attacking American OVER AND OVER AGAIN -- Super Sentai makes Japan the worst place to live. Can you imagine commuting every day to work and a monster attack