It Turns Out That Canalo Will Get To Flirt With Sayo, Sena, And Yodonna After All

I was thinking about the past few announcements that there will be a movie for Kiramager, another movie for Ryuosoulger, AND the intro movie for Zenkaiger. I thought that Toei Ltd. wasn't pushing through with a crossover with Kiramager and Ryusoulger. Turns out that April 29, 2021, will have a limited cinematic release and a DVD to follow. Yup, I got that news from reading UkiyaSeed's blog . Now for photographic evidence from Dengeki Hobby Web that the movie is indeed going to take place... and Yodonna seems to be acting as a movie director in this crossover film. I almost feel like thinking about Shinkenger's OVA which was a crazy movie studio set. It would be very interesting to see the movie production go on. What interests me is to see that sword fight between Bamba and Shiguru. It's also quite funny to see Canalo (yes him) finally attempt to flirt with Yodonna to his disaster. I just want to see how Canalo will once again cause trouble to himself or how Sena, Sayo...