King-Ohger 38: The Indomitable/Cute Side Of Rita Kaniska

I think this is one VERY bizarre episode. I wonder what writer Minato Takano or what the producers had in their minds. This episode is Rita-focused and it reveals the sweeter side of actress Yuzuki Hirakawa. This episode features Gokkan's liberation while both Gorma and Minongan are involved. I wonder what Racules' actor Masato Yano has been doing for now? I bet the actor's probably discussing ideas with everyone BTS. I may prefer KDrama over JDrama but I prefer JPop over KPop. I like JPop vibes in this episode. The opening has a sillier side of Rita wearing a mask. What's going on? The episode almost reminds me of Ucchu Sentai Kyuranger episode 35 but reimagined. Gorma does what he does best - MIND-SWAPPING. Criminals and law enforcers have been mind-swapped leading to chaos around Chikyu. I really love the idea since that's one brilliant villain plan. However, Gorma failed to destroy the bodies of the law enforcers presumably due to stricter censorship ever sinc...