Boonboomger's Nine Episode Introductory Arc Takes It Nice And Easy Despite The Lightspeed Delivery Theme
I may not actually regret SNAILSPEEDING with Boomboomger's lightspeed delivery services. With great power comes great responsibility. Toei usually chooses professional themes or heroes to do the job. However, Toei has times when it decides to make some u-turn by allowing "unremarkable civilians" to handle such power. After seeing the Boonboomgers using the power of lightspeed - I felt like, "What's with civilians handling the power of lightspeed? That's not a toy!" I was too used to how Tokosou Exceedraft used the powers of lightspeed as police officers. Boonboomger starts with a trio and then slowly introduces the next two members. Interestingly, the first five heroes haven't been established as a team. The familiarity isn't developed too soon. The show probably wants to add some degree of realism. Typically, superhero shows would still add degrees of realism. The International Space Agency (ISA) was introduced in episodes 4-5. Investigator Sh...