I'm Pretty OK With Using Power Rangers Terminologies While Discussing Super Sentai

Super Sentai has made certain American pop culture references. Heck, even Metal Hero and Kamen Rider have had them. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Tokosou Robo Janperson came AFTER Robocop or how Knight Rider inspired Tokkei Winspector and Kamen Rider Drive . Tokosou Sentai Dekaranger may have made several references to American movies such as Armageddon , Rocky Balboa , Speed , Die Hard , and Men in Black . It's not too surprising whenever Super Sentai and Power Rangers may have made nods to each other . Dragon Ball Z blatantly has American references such as the Days of Future Past storyline with Future Trunks or Frieza's third form with Aliens . Without much ado -- I want to present every terminology done in Power Rangers first that I'm A-OK will be used in conversations. Using the term "ranger" over "warrior" The suffix "-man" has been dropped and the last to use it was Seijuu Sentai Gingaman . After that, the suffixes wer...