Ryusoulger 23: It's Time For A Bandai Merchandise Clip Show

It's time for another Ryusoulger review. Right now, I can't make up my mind on whether or not I'm taking a break from said show. But tentatively, I might take my break on September 20, 2019, up to the time the K-Drama Vagabond ends. That means just don't expect my reaction on Ryusoulger updates OR just expect them to be slow. This week isn't that interesting for me but maybe for the kiddos. Personally, these recaps can be a nice break OR I simply don't care. I decided to watch in hopes of catching up with the show's mythologies! The episode beginneth with Creon and Wizeru. Wizeru talketh about his Menasaurs. However, Wizeru has a really diabolical plan. He doth mention Sun Tzu's Art of War. But as said, this guy tends to lack an intelligent plan that could've killed the Ryusoulgers but the show must go on! Bits of the show's lore are explained here. Koh does mention that he could hear the Ryu Souls. They are told that when a Ryu Sou...