King-Ohger 17: N'Kosoppa's Dilemma

Last week, we had the Bugnarok Treaty . Something goes wrong and the Obviously Evil rat isn't too much of a Walking Spoiler. Apparently, Racules himself hasn't gotten over what Yanma did but isn't that taking things TOO FAR? I was hoping Gira would stop faking it in this spot. However, Yanma still feels that the time isn't right. I guess people in the World of King-Ohger don't have Super Sentai as a show within a show. If Yanma saw Ucchu Sentai Kyuranger - I guess he'd be familiar with the type of person Lucky is. Racules calls for a treaty with the Bugnaroks with this condition - destroy the rival states. Racules wants Yanma to bow down to him. Although, I kinda wanted Racules to say and demand, "Apologize for that attempted fart joke now!" instead. Gira is right when he said, "Racules is pulling the strings." Racules is trying to achieve rulership over Terra. Racules will do ANYTHING in his power to rule the whole world. Yanma does get ...