
Showing posts from August, 2023

King-Ohger 26: The First Half Closes Before A Second Half Begins (And Other Wacky Thoughts)

Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger is coming to a midseason finale. Boy, where do I even begin? This almost reminds me of what happened in Tensou Sentai Goseiger with the faction change (and ironically, it's 10 years after that disaster known as Power Rangers Megaforce ). It also reminds me of how Kosoku Sentai Turboranger killed off the three main generals to replace them with the Nagare Bouma. This week features the end of the Bugnarok chapter and preparing for September's two-year time skip. It's almost like copying a trope from TV dramas where a midseason time jump happens. This also reminds me in Dragon Ball Z that a one-year gap happened between Raditz and the arrival of Vegeta and Nappa. It was also three years time jump between Mirai Trunks killing Mecha-Frieza and King Cold to the time when Cell arrives to wreck havoc on Earth. I feel Toei staff members and Saban staff members are eating popcorn and laughing somewhere.  I just wonder how in the world did Desnarak VIII even s...

Does Toei Celebrate Or Acknowledge MMPR's Anniversary Every 10 Years One Way Or Another?

  I don't like  Power Rangers while acknowledging Toei Ltd. is responsible for its existence. I may have skipped most Power Rangers.  I have no intention of watching those episodes of Power Rangers Megaforce that I missed. I watched Beast Morphers  check out how Hasbro will carry it on while Saban's name is still plastered alongside Toei Ltd. With Power Rangers having turned 30 as a franchise - I still feel like writing this one even when I dislike the franchise. It's because I still acknowledge that Toei is also involved in its existence. Therefore, calling it a bootleg while knowing it's a licensed localization is just plain ignorant! I decided to check out some past events and here's what I feel... Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger aired in 2003 instead of 2002 No one should really forget that Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger was a highly innovative season. It simply didn't get so much love back then due to language barriers (for outsiders) and need to talk about how Choj...

Recalling How Super Sentai Did Ranger History Lessons

  There are many terminologies commonly used in Power Rangers that I still welcome. Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters used the terms "It's Morphin' Time" and Megazords. As the anniversary of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers approaches - Let's look at the past Ranger History lessons that Super Sentai did even before Saban Entertainment got its green light.  The first Ranger History lesson happened during Kosoku Sentai Turboranger's "first episode" Turboranger can be a very strange season and I can understand why some people don't like it. Kaiju No Kami's review pointed out how Denji Sentai Megaranger made Recruit Teenagers with Attitude WAY MORE BELIEVABLE. I'd still say Turboranger is still unfairly maligned and it deserves some credit for ACTUALLY TRYING NEW THINGS. Sure, the Bouma main characters are lame personifications of wickedness (as they are pretty much Stupid Evil and For the Evulz). I even want to agree with Kaiju No Kami that Emperor...

King-Ohger Gets A Two Year Time-Skip This September

King-Ohger is getting a midseason finale this month. Funny enough, it's a day before August 28, the day when Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was born and the Toei-Saban alliance came to be. There have been some Super Sentai seasons that did a midseason finale like what happened in Kosoku Sentai Turboranger (when the lame-a** Bouma generals were finally written off in favor of the Breakout Villains, the Nagare Boma) or when Gekisou Sentai Carranger got rid of Ritchhiker so they can slowly introduce its true villain Emperor Exhaus. Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters did manage to make a midseason finale when the rangers challenged the Messiah virus (and he was written off near the year's end after his return) to make room for the more popular Enter. I guess King-Ohger is doing so maybe because the Bugnaroks aren't as cool while the cast is cool.  The recent update from Orends Range gives this detail: ​The official Super Sentai Friends website announced that Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger ...

King-Ohger 25: Let's Form That ClusterF*** Ultrazord With Chosen Civilians

This week's King-Ohger episode is the second to the last episode for a new second half. I don't know what Toei is thinking about. With my rant where I dared ask if King-Ohger was a celebratory season after all - I even wonder what's next. This season features the almost near-mandatory clusterf*** Ultrazord that was first presented in Boukenger (and Operation Overdrive called the first 12-piece Megazord an Ultrazord) and got into other seasons like Go-Onger , Shinkenger, ToQGer , Ninninger , Zyuohger , and  Lupinranger vs. Patranger. I kinda miss the time when Ultrazords were simpler such as when Turboranger used the Turbobuilder or when Zyuranger used a carrier mecha. I guess Toei, Bandai (and in extension Saban and now Hasbro) all figured out that mecha sales meant more money for the three of them to share! The beginning has Gemojim going haywire. This has Jeramie confronting his partner. Both of them have a talk. Jeramie is too much na idealist. Being a king means being ...