Wacky Post: How Robo-Rita's Existence Might Be A Reference To Lt. Gara Of The Gorma (Some Spoilers)

I decided to watch Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Once and Always for the heck of it. I may dislike (or hate, take your pick) Power Rangers but I'll always acknowledge that it's also Toei's fault that the franchise became a worldwide sensation. Both Toei and Saban have had a longtime working partnership, and even resumed their working relationship, all before Toei went with Hasbro (and Toei once provided animation for Hasbro during the 1980s). Toei also managed to pay Hasbro so they can create the Takara Transformers Trilogy based on Hasbro's hit franchise, The Transformers

At first, I thought Rita had reverted back to evil. However, like the "Lord Zedd" of Power Rangers Dino Fury (and I'm NOT watching it), this Rita is an evil clone. Billy tried to restore Zordon only to realize that Rita's evil particles haven't been eliminated. I guess Zordon's sacrifice was only worth destroying the active evil of that time than all the evil of the Universe. It's almost like how Majin Vegeta blew himself up to stop Fat Buu only for it to be useless or how Chiaotzu kamikazee attack failed on Nappa. Rita's evil energy dominated Alpha 8 (and ended up KILLING IT in the process) to create Robo Rita. Robo Rita possesses the memories of the real Rita but it ain't the real Rita. 

For some spoilers and I guess so many have seen Dairanger to the point this is becoming common knowledge. I did write some time ago about the mystery of the clay Gorma. The finale arc of Dairanger started revealing that many of the Gorma (INCLUDING Shadam himself) were all in clay bodies. Even Gorma XV was most likely just Actually a Doombot. Though, there's also the Soul Fragment trope or maybe the Body Backup Drive (which may explain why Shadam was just a clay puppet). The final revealed the real Gara herself had already reconciled with Kujaku. I think something happened the moment Kujaku cured Gorma Gara of her blindness. Maybe, that incident caused the real Gara's spirit to be released from the clay puppet. Maybe, what was left of the Gorma Gara's body was fragments of the real Gara's grudge.

Though another possibility is that the real Gara died forgiving Kujaku. However, in the process, the real Gara's grudge got personified at some point. Though, with Robo Rita, it seems that Gara's evil particles dominated a clay body creating Gorma Gara. Gorma Gara is but a copy of Real Gara - complete with memories. The hatred that left the Real Gara may have found its way to become personified in a clay body. Along the way, the madness of the Gorma Gara made her believe she was the real Gara. Robo Rita acts like it was the real Rita except it's far more cruel than the real deal. Gorma Gara is far more cruel than Real Gara during the falling away. I think Robo Rita is potentially more cruel even than Bandora. Sure, Bandora did orchestrate the death of Burai but she was also a Benevolent Boss to her fellow baddies. My only issue was that Robo Rita was somehow a Glass Cannon towards the end of the film. Sure, Robo Rita MURDERED Trini at the beginning but it seems her defense stats are ridiculously low. 

The same can be said about Robo Rita. Robo Rita ISN'T Rita Repulsa but an imposter with memories of the real deal. It's like how cloning works in many works of fiction. I'm reminded of the episode in Spider-Man: The Animated Series by Saban. One episode showed that Peter Parker married a clone of Mary Jane Watson. Clone Mary Jane had memories of the REAL deal. Even the Hydro-Man clone had memories of the real deal. The X-Men comics had Madelyne Pryor possessing some of the real Jean Grey's memories though it was caused by the Phoenix Force. Madelyne was a clone produced from years back before the real Jean became part of the core team. Stryfe in X-Force also possessed the memories of his DNA donor Cable. Some clones end up thinking they're the real deal only to find out they're fakes. Ben Reilly aka the Scarlet Spider was a clone of the real Peter Peter.

With both Mighty Morphin' and Dairanger on their 30th anniversary - I guess this was a neat Easter egg like creating the Bandora Protocol. Bandora was the name of Rita Repulsa's original counterpart and footage of her was used towards the end of the short film. I may not like Power Rangers but I think the anniversary did make decent references to the source material. That's why I feel like blaming Power Rangers for Super Sentai not being aired in other countries is nonsense. Yes, that's coming from me who doesn't like the Power Rangers franchise out of PERSONAL reasons! The real fault is with Toei Ltd.'s marketing decisions and not on Saban, Disney, or lately Hasbro. 
