King-Ohger 30: The Frozen Scales Of Justice

This week's episode of King-Ohger starts to spread something that was delayed for so long. It was in the early episodes between episodes 7-8 when we first encountered a mysterious figure. This week's episode starts to show more of Gokkan's history and the event called the Fury of the Gods. This week's episode also wants me to make some snarky comments so beware of them!

The episode begins with Rita getting a replica pendant from Zoey ahem Himeno. Himeno tries to invite Rita for tea. Rta tries not to stay because she must be neutral. However, Rita ends up staying for tea anyway. I still laugh whenever Rita tries to keep her face hidden. The whole keep herself a mystery can be very funny. I wonder if Himeno prepared special tea to prevent Rita's migraines from arriving. 

Both Gira and Jeramie talk about creating a place for man and Bugnarok. How does Jeramie intend to clear his name after that episode last week? A new catastrophe is about to happen one way or another. The both of them discover a frozen citizen. This is where things get really intense. 

Rita stays for tea in the meantime. I do laugh at how Rita chokes over. Okay, I think I'm obsessing over Rita because she resembles some girl I'm trying to court. Himeno asks Rita about the latter's hidden left eye. Rita then asks about those scalpers or those who try to sell Moffun merchandise for ill-gotten profit. I just want to pretend that Himeno has developed a special blend that prevents Rita from getting headaches like her "mother" Rita Repulsa. 

Karras shows up and she's... A ZOMBIE? Rei Yoshi shows up yet again for another guest role. It's nice to have older cast members guest star every now and then. Karras shows and unleashes her freeze power. I like the interaction between Rita and Karras here. Though Rita has to be super duper reckless not to morph. Himeno does the smart thing and morphs. 

Later, Rita reveals that the power was granted to her by Karras. Rita was granted the power at such a young age. I can't help but feel sorry that Rita had to be entrusted with such a powerful spell at such a young age. Some Power Rangers fans might be tempted to pretend that Karras is the Mystic Mother's (Rita Repulsa's purified form) unseen assistant. I may not like Power Rangers and never saw Power Rangers Mystic Force in full.

Kousei Amano returns as the mysterious man. Now, the identity of the mysterious man was uncovered. I had so many speculations from the late Desnarak VIII. I even assumed that the late Corsus Hastie was the killer. What I'm glad about is that Toei decided not to take the easy way out and introduce a new character to fill in the blanks. Kousei Amano first showed up in Kamen Rider Blade as Sakuya Tachibana. Amano was also Kouhei Hayami of Kamen Rider Fourze. I had to Google things up because my mind was getting overly occupied. I love how middle-aged Amano is really still taking the cake. It's refreshing to see a human-faced villain after so many suits!

I guess Dugdead Dujardin has some short-term memory. There are five jesters and did he lose track? I guess Dughead's powers are making him insane or what? Both Dugdead and Kamejim have a discussion on how Grodie is still alive. 

An interesting flashback shows how Kamejim managed to recover Dugdead. Apparently, being frozen in ice here doesn't kill people. Instead, it could be a fate worse than death. A reference to the icy prison in Hikari Sentai Maskman? I can't be too sure but it seems to be. 

I just love the tensions that the monarchs face when Grodie shows up. It's nice to see Himeno go crazy since who wouldn't? I'm reminded of how Yuuri from Mirai Sentai Timeranger almost murdered a suspect looking for her family's murderer. There are also some limited suitless scenes. I do feel there was an unmorphed fight scene filmed and deleted due to fight constraints. Unmorphed fight scenes are usually plot-driven and can't be there for the sake of it. That's why some episodes don't feature them and some do. An overdose of such scenes can defeat the purpose of being morphing heroes. It's fun to see the main cast do their own stunts but there are times the stuntmen need to step in to do the more dangerous scenes. 

It was interesting to see how Rita must face off against Grodie. Grodie wasn't able to be declared guilty without much evidence. Grodie took advantage of the situation. Rita tries to unleash the spell only meant for emergencies. This drains Rita's energy. Grodie shows that he's not that easily defeated. Now talk about a reall badass villain entry!

Himeno remembers her parents and she's become friends with Rita. Himeno's acting here has improved after quite some time. Sure, it's not all that great but it does get the job done. It's better not to expect Super Sentai acting to be top-class. Most of the cast members are still learning the ropes. 

An unexpected character shows up or not. What I'm glad is that Jeramie's mother finally shows up. I was already afraid that the Bugnarok plot may become sidelined. Desnarak VIII's was written off rather well. I still feel that Kamejim no longer had a purpose with pretending to be Boshimar. Why does Jeramie's mother attack the others? After last week's episode didn't end with a cliffhanger - THIS DOES! 

Next week would probably be a Bugnarok-focused episode. Sure, King-Ohger is meant to be a child's show. However, the amount of drama that was built up can make a grown man cry in some way. I'm feeling Himeno's tears in this episode. Jeramie's about to get fleshed out as well. Though, I hope the writers won't let Shugoddom's story go to waste. I still feel that maybe Reinol's and Racules' actions may have been manipulated by Dugdead and his group after all! 

Additional notes

Upon seeing the format that was used on Grodie - I could remember Zamigo from Kaito Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger. Of all the Ganglers, only Zamigo was shown to have a human form as most of them were portrayed as suit villains. Both of them were also responsible for some catastrophes and had some grudge held against them by the yellow ranger. 

Jingri Irie was the one who played Zamigo's human form. Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger also had Haruka Tomatsu who played as Canderilla's human form. This is the case when humanoid villains are mixed alongside blatantly non-human villains.

Right now, I still wonder if the rest of the Galactansects will don human forms. Will Grodie be the odd one of the group because of that? Maybe, maybe not. I do hope that some Galacainsects will don human forms as well. 
