Super Sentai, Power Rangers, And Differences In The Zord Naming Scheme
Last year, I wrote a random rant admitting that I'm okay with Power Rangers fans using THEIR terminologies . It's actually easier to talk about Super Sentai with a Power Rangers fan using terms like rangers (which is acceptable), morph over henshin (both are synonyms), and I'm okay if someone still calls Kamen Rider with its now discontinued international name Masked Rider . The term "Zord" is also used to refer to any mecha. However, Super Sentai uses the Japanese term Mecha instead. The term Zord has been used in Power Rangers . I may not like Power Rangers but watching The Toys That Made Us is still enlightening. The international market has no one-size-fits-all arrangement. Different countries may require different types of localization. Power Rangers is STILL an adaptation based on the BUSINESS TERM localization. The term mecha wouldn't hit. Instead, it was said that the word "Zord" was derived from the word sword or from the title Zoids . Zoi...