Burai: Zyuranger's Tragedy

Okay he is the FIRST official sixth member but he's the first one to die too. I don't know why Toei decided to kill him off but I think it had to do with the script. He was a fan favorite and overall- my favorite Zyuranger. So don't get this mistaken for those newbies here- he DOES not become Kibaranger. Kibaranger is from Dairanger which is another series. This is Zyuranger respectively. His story starts as the son of the Black Knight and the brother of Geki the Tyrano Ranger. Unlike in MMPR, he has his powers from the start and he was only eight when he saw his baby brother being given to the Yamato King and later his own father die. Swearing vengeance, he was consumed by the darkness present in him that it resulted him to hating his younger brother. He was put into suspended animation in a cave which one day, Ryota a member of ancient mankind released him which caused so much trouble. He nearly destroyed Daizyujin from within while it had trouble battling Griforth...