Lupinranger VS. Patranger Nomber 41: A Door To Gangler's World

Bonjour reader! Well it's that time for another Lupinranger vs. Patranger review! This time, after last week's rather weak episode (at least for me anyway so don't get mad if you liked it) -- I find this episode to be very pretty intense! As it turns out, Destra is already out there to do his task and prove himself to the Ganglers once and for all! Le episode begins with Keiichiro somehow showing how his kind heart always makes up for his somewhat dull mind. So are we getting a glimpse of Keiichiro's background since he mentions his parents who just gave him some preserved tomatoes? Will we ever see her like we saw Umika's father? Anyway, there's a bit of shiptease yet again with Umika and Sakuya yet again. As it turns out, Destra showing up with him wanting to prove that he's a worthy successor to Don Dogriano. What he does is his plan to actually trap le Patrangers and execute them in front of his master! Is it me or do plans like that actually n...