Ryusoulger Episode 11: The Burning Quiz Master

It's time for another Ryusoulger review! Now, we're getting a two-part involved the Dime Volcano . It asketh questions and if you thou doth not get it -- it will spew out flames! Well, we're getting a dragon here! Now moving onward! Creon foolishly decideth to take the challenge. Personally, I'm pretty bad at riddles. Though I assume that the answer for the riddle was a pancake if it's an edible pan. Creon nearly getteth himself fried in the process! Shen Menasaur showeth up yet we doth not know yet who is the host is. This one pretty much looketh like a clam. Okay, anybody out there who wants clam chowder because I certainly don't. Shen Menasaur has the ability to cast illusions. This one causeth the Ryusoulgers to confuse Ryusoul Blue for a Druidon soldier. Okay, this almost remindeth me of that episode in Mighty Morphin' where Lord Zedd used a spell to make the heroes see each other as putties. The smoke causeth an illusion. Also, remember ...