Kiramager 12: Enter Kiramei Silver

Well, it's time for a new Kiramager episode. I can't blame Toei for deciding to launch Kiramei Silver in the 12th episode. The Legacy Virus did hit hard after all, right? Anyway, it's time to launch a review here. Sorry if I've had a quality decline of episodes reviews here because I'm caught up by other new stuff on Netflix and other related platforms. The beginning of the episode has Sayo meets a mysterious young man in silver. Well, spoilers, he's obviously Takamichi Crystalia or Kiramei Silver. Sayo goes on a mountain trip but fails to bring her henshin device. This creates a dilemma that she can't be found. Fortunately, she's found by the hero in debut here. Garza and Carantula both prepare a new plan. Garza senses something he doesn't want to feel. Carantula has a plan to destabilize Carat. CARAT does have one of its facilities. I guess it's only normal for Super Sentai organizations (for some) that they would need a bac...