Toei's Toku Series Celebrating Their Major Anniversaries This 2021

2021 is an anniversary year for Super Sentai with the upcoming Zenkaiger . However, let's take time to remember these shows from Toei from past to present. 50th anniversary The first Kamen Rider It started in 1971 and had a whopping 98-episode run. It's really something to think about that the Showa era Riders were usually not a stable franchise. While Kamen Rider Kuuga gets lots of love from newer fans but can the same be said about this one? 40th anniversary Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan Sun Vulcan celebrates its 40 years since it aired last 1981. What was interesting was that Stan Lee nearly wanted to make this the first Power Rangers series. Marvel was also somewhat still involved at that time with Toei too. 35th anniversary Choshinsei Flashman Before Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - there was Choshinsei Flashman . Flashman may be regarded by many as the best of Hirohisa Soda's era. While I have no reason to believe Lost Galaxy was more popular than Seijuu Sentai Gingaman - t...