The Plot Twist Concerning Haruka Kito And That Pink Rabbit

Last year, we had that on/off pink rabbit (and this Chinese New Year will be the Year of the Rabbit). We have the plagiarist in a bunny suit calling itself Naoki Shiina. The rabbit could copy Haruka Kito PERFECTLY. That's just very funny especially when the Manga is so exactly done. If you haven't watched it then beware... SPOILERS! If not, read on if you either don't mind being spoiled (like me) or if you have seen it.

As Donbrothers did wrap up its filming - the plot twist can be too predictable. I remembered some forums where people speculated the identity of the bunny. So, now it's time to think about what could be another writing tool namely time travel and alternate timelines. Yeah, it's a common trope, and Toei Ltd. has been copying tropes from Western comics and animation as well. I'm not even surprised at the turn of events that happened. 

There had been wild guesses about the bunny suit. Some speculated it's another version of Donbrothers Haruka. I guess some people got it right when they said it. Who else could do the stroganoff and the Manga EXACTLY ALIKE than another version of Donbrothers Haruka? Yes, we're facing alternate timelines. I find it funny that actress Kohaku Shida (who's only turning 19 this year) would also play an older version of herself. We can call the other Donbrothers Haruka as Future Donbrothers Haruka. Even funnier is that Future Donbrothers Haruka is MARRIED to Future Shinichi Saruhara. It's not surprising granted that Toshiki Inoue does have a knack for crack pairings. Chojin Sentai Jetman ended up causing Ryu Tendo and Kaori Rokumeikan to marry. Kamen Rider Kiva does have that weird shipping of Nago Keisuke and Megumi Aso. Even funnier, Kiva decided to end the finale with a marriage, J-Drama style! 

I guess Kibi Points are riskier than Morph-X huh? Fortunately, neither Venjix nor the Messiah Virus has access to it. Who knows what damage the two sentient viruses could do with such power. Future Donbrothers Haruka used the Kibi Points to take a vacation and go return to time when she was a famous Manga artist. Instead, Future Donbrothers Haruka was sent to ANOTHER DIMENSION instead. It's not surprising that we have two Don Murasames as well which isn't explained yet. Somehow, this plot twist isn't exactly too surprising. I wasn't surprised that Donbrothers Haruka was facing off against her alternate self. 

Another dimension? Well, I guess this can also explain how Donbrothers Kaito acts differently than Zenkaiger Kaito. We don't see Donbrothers Kaito's parents or paternal grandmother at all. Granted, Inoue himself did write Kiva with two time periods going back and forth. Inoue was also involved in Kamen Rider Decade. Inoue may have been at the lower point of his career but those episodes made Decade a little more watchable and redeemable. I guess Inoue had Decade in mind when there were two versions of Kotaro Minami. One Kotaro never became BLACK RX while the other did. I guess it's because Kamen Rider BLACK RX is still viewed as a low-tier series (but got vindicated) while Kamen Rider BLACK remains the fan favorite. I wonder if Kikou Sentai Zenkaiger didn't do so well that's why we have another Kaito here?

Is Toei Ltd. actually now trolling the viewers? It's obvious that most Super Sentai VS. Movies can NEVER fit into the canon of the series involved. Also, trying to fit Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger into the whole continuity can be something. If one views the events of Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger - the way it unfolded proved it couldn't fit into either which. Yet, Go-Busters decided to have two episodes where Geki Jumonji guest-starred for two episodes instead of promoting it via a TV movie. Later, Ucchu Sentai Kyuranger and the Space Squad movies tend to explain things via portals. Just think about the Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour movies where the two continuities meet via portals. 

I'd like to say it's one weird episode. I had so many guesses. Still, having an A.R. Haruka Kito as the plagiarist and imitating everything perfectly works on its own. I thought Donbrothers Haruka's boyfriend was the plagiarist. I just wonder how Donbrothers will end though. Again, no episode reviews but you can tell I'm enjoying it better than Zenkaiger
