King-Ohger 42: The Spoiler On King Racules' Actions

Last week's episode was pretty much a surprise or not? This episode is a Massive Spoiler so you might as well WATCH IT FIRST. Some things are just Walking Spoilers and Racules is probably the biggest one. I even feel that the actor Masato Yano has been working with the producer-writer tandem to get Racules to where he is. This episode shared the same title as the mini-series focused on Racules. Just as I predicted - there's no Christmas special this year. I guess it's a refreshing change of pace. Also, not all Super Sentai had Christmas episodes. The first one to do so was Gosei Sentai Dairanger. There was no Christmas special for Choriki Sentai Ohranger and Seijuu Sentai Gingaman after that. Then more of them followed and it almost became a yearly tradition. I guess the people of Chikyu don't celebrate the tradition at all! 

Should I be surprised that Racules pulled an Iroki? I thought Iroki was a wicked queen but the episode revealed otherwise. Now, it's Racules and he's telling his "brother" Gira that it's time to save the Universe. I can't be sure what I feel about it. Is it just a copout or evidence that Super Sentai intends to remain defanged for most of its run since 2001? From getting really ridiculously low levels of blood to this? Or is it trying to be unpredictable but it ends up becoming way too predictable? 

The next scene has Kaguragi talking with the others. The "bombs" were disarmed. Now, it's time to reveal Racules' story. The mini-series gave a bit of Racules' background without otherwise spiling much. Now, it's time to understand Racules as a person. Racules isn't so one-dimensional after all. 

Yup, Racules was really manipulated by Dugdead. It turns out that Dugdead MURDERED the previous king. Was Dugdead the one who raised Reinol? Corsus was murdered and is yet to show up. A teenage Racules waches in frustration. I guess unresolved trauma causes you to go evil. This reminds me of how some characters get vengeance-crazed they do evil stuff. I think Racules' judgment got clouded causing him to do the stuff that he did. 

Something from episode 20 is shown up. I can't decide on what to do with how Suzume was written. Suzume felt like a hostage in the preview but SHE'S IN LOVE WITH RACULES? Later, Suzume consents to marry Racules? The flashback of the wedding has Suzume begging Kaguragi to play both sides for now. I guess it makes a lot of sense now why Racules and Kaguragi had some talks. Why is Kaguragi hiding his talks with Racules? Kaguragi didn't even tell the others that they both planned on killing Gorma. 

Racules decides to fake his death. It turns out that Kaguragi has a HAND IN IT. Yes, Suzume was made to administer the drug that placed Racules in a death-like state. The drug reminds me of the scene from Romeo and Juliet. Racules supposedly dies but it was a ruse. I wonder what he did during the two years he was supposedly "dead"? 

A lot of flashbacks reveal Racules' master plan to get rid of Dugdead once and for all. A lot of stuff from the Founder's Crown to the Zords themselves. Racules' own personal Zord Kuwagata-Ohger ZERO was something Dugdead couldn't control. Racules later reveals that Gira, having been a genetic puppet of Dugdead, would be the only feasible choice to get rid of the evil monarch for good. Racules reveals that, like Iroki, he chose to be hated by the public to protect the kingdom. Dugdead later explodes but it seems he'll be back. 

Yeah, you gotta remember how producer Takahito Oomori handed Evolt in Kamen Rider Build. I'm expecting Dugdead to return like Evolt in the finale. An interesting take was that Evolt was supposedly destroyed during the Christmas break. I believe Dugdead will be returning for the finale. The way he acted suggests that he's going to be back. I wonder how King-Ohger will end. Just the thought that filming wraps up in December makes me think, "Okay, you gotta just stay put and see how it ends. No more editing!" The cast members may be having their free time (for now) assuming that there wouldn't be a Donbrothers vs. King-Ohger non-canon film. 

After the battle, Racules himself has been severely injured. However, one must consider that Super Sentai has been toned down since 2001. I kinda wanted Racules to have more blood on him due to what Dugdead did. Racules may be injured in the script but it seems the makeup department isn't too keen on using too much fake blood. I guess if they did then you can expect red flags from censorship. Racules is sent for medical care at this point. 

Speaking of which, I compared Racules to Captain Ryuuya from Mirai Sentai Timeranger. Both of them were trying to save their respective homes. In Ryuuya's case - the guy's pretty much General Miwa from Tosho Daimos all throughout. I did compare Racules to Miwa too. However, it turns out that he's no Miwa or Ryuuya after all. He's a Virtuous Character Copy of Ryuuya! That reminds me that Captain Alex Drake in Power Rangers Time Force is pretty much a Virtuous Character Copy of Ryuuya too. Okay, Toei what's going on? If I'm not wrong, Alex in Time Force was planned to be the true main antagonist. Instead, that wouldn't fit in and Ransik was rightfully kept in that position. Super Sentai was toned down since 2001. I guess Timeranger has too much backlash for how serious it was. Like Alex, both of them supposedly died and are back. 

After the new year (and I honestly wonder what's with Toei now skipping end of the year episodes), we're going to get more secrets from the Husty family. I guess Racules did "banish" Gira to protect him. Racules, like Iroki, would prefer to be hated if they save the country. We're going to see Corsus after he was merely mentioned. What secret is there? What's going to be revealed about Corsus? What's the secret of Shugoddom after 2,000 years? King-Ohger feels more like a TV drama than every previous Super Sentai

Meanwhile, I do feel that the upcoming Super Sentai namely Boonboomger might have to deal with A Tough Act to Follow. I hear King-Ohger is heavily trending in Japan. I've been proven wrong especially when I felt Super Sentai wouldn't go past 40. Instead, this is entry number 47! It seems there will be a 50th season. Will a 50th season be the end of Super Sentai as a whole? I doubt it since Super Sentai tends to get rebooted every now and then. New entries hardly link to everything else - giving it a fresh perspective. Then again, I'm also welcome that should Super Sentai reach its 50th season - maybe it's time to go on hiatus. 
