My Own Amateur Rant On Super Sentai Crossovers

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers became a hit in 1993 and got extended up to 1995. By now, people would've figured out that selected licensed use of stock footage from Gosei Sentai Dairanger and Ninja Sentai Kakuranger was used while keeping 5/6 of the Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger costumes. Toei also produced the Zyu2 footage for Saban Entertainment to use. I'd like to do a bit of a rundown on the history of Super Sentai crossovers and how Power Rangers handled theirs. Himitsu Sentai Goranger and Dengekitai JAKQ weren't part of the Super Sentai franchise until 1995. I'm glad Toei made that retcon in 1995 - the same year as Choriki Sentai Ohranger . Toei released some short films that barely lasted an hour. JAKQ vs. Goranger was pretty much like a "follow-up episode" instead of a movie that had 40+ minutes to an hour long. Yes, I'm going to keep saying it that the whole thing was rushed! JAKQ only having 35 episodes would make it all too rushed while Gorang...