Same Celebrity, Different Characters for Super Sentai

Super Sentai got filled with some characters that were played by the same celebrity. For example we have: (This is as far as I can remember) The late Soga Machiko in Super Sentai was notorious most of the time for villainous roles. She was Queen Hedrian in Denziman and Sun Vulcan (whether the two are separate characters are debatable) and she was most popularly known as the evil sorceress Bandora of Zyuranger. She also guest starred in Maskman episode 30 as Raraba, Baraba's mother and in Magiranger as Magiel. Hirohisa Nakata appeared in Denziman as a vampire monster who tried to seduce Denzi Pink later appeared as the fearsome Mason of the Big Three in Bioman. Kenji Ohba who is mostly Gavan to the rest of tokusatsu viewers also played as Denzi Blue in Denziman, Battle Kenya in Battle Fever J and he guest appeared in Hurricanger and also in Gekiranger as Jan's father. Hiroshi Miyauchi was not only known for his role as Kamen Rider V3 in the Kamen Rider franchise but he...