Ryusoulger 43 - The Druidon's Mother Revealed

Well, I don't know what to say right now. What's obvious is that the quality of my Ryusoulger posts have been going down - no questions asked. At this point, a new villain namely the Big Bad of the series called Eras is introduced as the Druidons' mother. I wish she will gain some fearsome monster form rather than just stay the core that she is. Otherwise, I'd love to raise my disappointments with how the Creation King from Kamen Rider Black was just a disembodied heart! Eras is now seen in the present day. She reveals her power that she would give birth to Druidons. Recently, we do have Pricious who witnesses the birth of her new "sibling" known as Gunjoji. Personally, I wish Eras' design were scarier than that. Censorship issues anyone? Banba does some martial arts fanservice for the audience. It's amazing to see actor Tatsuya Kishida really do these impressive fight scenes himself. Is he the strongest cast member? There's an interest...