Bioman Episode 5 Warned Us About The Welfare State

Sometimes, fiction translates into reality, right? While some things in fiction will never be real but there's always some weird stuff. The Simpsons did somehow predict the rise of Donald Trump. I also felt Metalder in 1987 warned of the greedy oligarchy seeking to control the economy. Hmm... did Metalder also warn of the rise of Donald Trump in the person of Emperor Neros? Bioman did have one episode that may have warned about the rise of the welfare state and handouts. In 1989, Jiban did have a money-making Bionoid that let it rain money in the form of yen bills. The episode has Shingo investigate the rumors of gold coins falling in the Kagiyama district in Japan. Then the worst fears are confirmed. The city has become a vice city in the process. People want their gold coins and they will get it. Monster disguised as the "Golden Boss" tells them where the shower of gold coins will fall next. Well, doesn't that remind you of days when certain governments te...