Super Sentai: Actual Pairing VS. Fan Shippings
It's Valentine's Day today and I can't resist writing this post. As I grow older, I discovered that I've been watching love stories A LOT. I mean A LOT. Super Sentai has attempted love stories like any other superhero show. Some superhero shows tried to mix in love interests. However, most love interests tend to be treated like, "POOF! They're never remembered!" Super Sentai doesn't focus too much on love stories -- presumably because the target audience is younger children.
When Super Sentai writes love stories for the heroes that go beyond a guest-starring
Super Sentai rangers tend to have one-shot love interests. The Hirohisa Soda introduced one-shot love interests. Dengeki Sentai Changeman had Mai Ooishi fall in love with a scientist BUT he's treated like every guest character. However, Hikari Sentai Maskman put a love story experiment of sorts. Maskman Takeru has his Tossho Daimos type of romance with Princess Ial (disguised as Mio). Maskman Takeru makes it his motive to rescue his beloved Ial. However, that hasn't stopped me from occassionally shipping Momoko even if it's PRETTY FORCED.
Love stories began to play out in some way. However, they weren't always the focus. Chojuu Sentai Liveman wrote Yuusuke Amemiya's one-time infatuation for Dr. Mazenda. However, that idea wasn't so explored and Yuusuke moved on from her. However, Maskman's idea of a love story theme was carried over. Some of them are funny (ex. Kyousuke Jinnai and Princess Zonette of Gekisou Sentai Carranger) and some are meant to be serious.
Chojin Sentai Jetman is known for its love polygon. Jetman sure knew how to write the dynamic in a way. Toshiki Inoue created a more complex drama in Kamen Rider Kiva -- a show that I still enjoy despite the fan reception. It gets chaotic with the idea that Ryu Tendo's girlfriend Rie Aoi is brainwashed into becoming Maria of the Vyram. Some argue that Count Radiguet actually had romantic feelings for Maria -- I'm in that boat until now! Gure was more than willing to let Maria go. Ryu is still loving a shadow while Kaori Rokumeikan started liking him. Gai Yuki and Kaori got together but broke up. One must wonder why Inoue decided to kill off Maria, let Ryu fail to rescue Maria, and then have Ryu get with Kaori?! Hints of Ryu and Kaori ending up together were written throughout the show! However, I'm still thinking that Ryu should've rescued Rie and Gai should've been with Kaori. Like WUT? Instead, Ryu and Kaori felt too random!
The idea of a red ranger's love story playing out was repeated in Carranger. Sure, Zonette survives at the end of the show. However, it seems that Kyousuke got over Zonette while the other one hasn't. Mirai Sentai Timeranger plays Aqua's song "Turn Back Time" Up to Eleven. I still find Domon's love story with Honami Moriyama to be ONE HUGE TIMELINE ANOMALY. What in the world was Yasuko Kobayashi thinking? I can't decide which is a bigger timeline anomaly. Domon birthing a son in our era OR Power Rangers Time Force's love triangle between the descendant (Captain Alex) and his ancestor Wesley Collins. Like WUT? I'm still laughing or going bonkers thinking about those two plots!
Kobayashi also created the side story of Hayate and Miharu in Seijuu Sentai Gingaman. There was also the coupling of Gouki and Suzuko Miyazawa. Hayate's rivalry with the B*TCH Shelinda is a driving force. Some may feel it's quite unfair. However, a well-written man vs. woman rivalry can be done. Shelinda doesn't play the victim and she's aggressive about harasshing Hayate. It's only fair Hayate finishes her off. Shelinda put on quite a good fight. Later on, Miharu is revived alongside all the inhabitants of the Ginga Forest. Kendrix Morgan in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy got the same treatment. Both were supposedly dead but were later resurrected.
The story was somewhat redone in Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger. This time, it was with Asuka (my favorite character) and Mahoro. Abaranger has Asuka trying to rescue his wife who got brainwashed as Mahoro. The Evorian God Dezumozoryla force-grown their child into one of his generals. Fortunately, Asuka was able to succeed where Ryu failed. Asuka was able to rescue his wife Mahoro from her Jannu alter-ego.
Gosei Sentai Dairanger wrote several episodes devoted to Dairanger Daigo x Kujaku's tragic "Ah My Goddess!" type of story! Kunio Fuji wrote the episodes. Sure, I love Dairanger but I think the broken arcs can be a weird way to write. Have we ever seen that kind of writing again? It went straight between episodes 9-10 but gets fragmented across episodes 16, 23, 36, and concluded in episode 41. The love story was indeed all that tragic in one way or another.
Some rangers are actually hinted to have a relationship with each other. Gougou Sentai Boukenger has Satoru Akashi and Sakura Nishihori but it's not focused on. IMHO Satoru and Sakura should just be a sideline story. Focusing on the romance could ruin what makes Boukenger aims to be -- a crazy adventure show of sorts! Nanami Nono and Isshu Kasumi in Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger is pretty much something.
Meanwhile, some romances can be rather rushed. Marie Iitoyo's marriage would've not affected me IF her character didn't react to Daigo Kiryu x Amy Yuzuki! Daigo x Amy feels kinda forced. It could work IF time was invested to develop them. Instead, I can't decide which is really worse between Kyoryuger Daigo x Amy or would it be Jake Holland and Gia Moran from Power Rangers Megaforce. Neither of them were really developed!
Villainous romances can be another treat
Villains can also have their romances. Power Rangers fans may have not been surprised to find out that Griforther and Lamie are actually MARRIED in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger. What may have been surprising is that Geki and Burai are brothers or that there was ZERO ROMANCE between Burai and Mei. Burai x Mei is BLAH BLAH BLAH NON-EXISTENT! Come on, both Goldar and Scorpina obviously had a thing for each other! So far, they're the only official couple in Zyuranger. Geki x Mei is just completely wishful thinking (something I may elaborate) compared to the villainous couple!
Kosoku Sentai Turboranger may have been the first to attempt villainous coupling. The Bouma Realignment Arc suggests that Zimba and Jarmin may be attracted to each other. However, episode 18 already suggests that both Zimba and Jarmin have a thing for each other. Zimba is attracted to hatred and Jarmin is pretty much a bonafide bitch. However, the Bouma Generals were so lame that it seemed the show was better off without them. Later, Yamimaru and Kirika got into the show as teenagers with HUGE attitude problems.
Some teases were never elaborated upon. Chodenshi Bioman had one episode where Monster was revealed to have feelings for Farah. Dengeki Sentai Changeman had Adjutant Buuba have a love interest during his pirating days. Gure and Maria seem to be an item -- almost akin to the Vision and Scarlet Witch in Marvel Comics.
Choriki Sentai Ohranger gave a lot of romance to the villains. No romance actually exists among the heroes -- it's mostly just wishful thinking! Ohranger gave the story of contradictions. The Baranoia Empire viewed love as a "useless thing". However, Hysteria and Bacchushund both showed to be a loving couple. Buldont and Maruchiwa treated human life as beneath them. However, they still fought as a couple and DIED SIDE BY SIDE. Hysteria becomes more human emotionally when she sees her son and daughter-in-law (also her niece, yeah ROYALS) use a human baby as bait. The mechanical villains certainly had the most development IMHO!
What was interesting was how we also had villain attractions. The whole Gynamo crushing on Zonette makes the latter the de-facto leader of the Bowzock. Sure, Gynamo is the president but he's too easily manipulated by Zonette. However, the true leader of the Bowzock is none other than Emperor Exhaus. There's a coupling between Kyousuke and Zonette. At first, Zonette only falls for the Red Racer persona. Later, Zonette falls for the man beneath the spandex. I compare Zonette's crush on Red Racer to Poison Ivy crushing on Batman but not the man behind the suit!

Rio x Mele are a villainous couple in Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger. They were the recurring antagonists with Long as the true main villain of the show. I really love how Gekiranger tries to go back to Darker and Edgier just so soon after an ANNIVERSARY. The romance subplot was well-placed. It doesn't disrupt the flow of the narrative. It's simply treated as what it should be -- A SIDELINE PLOT!

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