Some Villains Who'll Most Likely Use Trick or Treaters For Their Schemes

Okay Super Sentai didn't have any Halloween special (and I don't mind really). So I decided to create a list of Sentai villains who'll most likely use trick or treaters for their evil schemes and how I think they'll turn out to be: The Gear Empire- Well either Mason or Farrah will do the job, but I'd go for Farrah. They will kidnap human children and probably mechanize them. Mechaclones are good too. Ragorn- Well he could actually use the children's covetous nature to empower him. The Vyram- Well, insert dimension bugs into children's bags or grinam seeds for a treat. Radiguet can create parasitic organisms to control children and eventually destroy tehm. Majo Bandora- Well she does hate children doesn't she? She could actually start feeding children with dangerous candy. Hmmm... candy that will turn them into golems or whatever?! Well you imagine it. The Gorma Emperor- He could actually order Akomaru around for some scheme to lure children into a...