My Confession of Super Sentai Hangovers, Tokusatsu Breaks and Sentai Snob Moments

Like it or not, I do tend to suffer from Super Sentai hangovers which can turn me into a Super Sentai snob of sorts. While right now I'll admit my Toku vibe now isn't as strong as it used to (then it might return like it used to). I felt like I wanted to write this similar to Shougo B'Stard's confession of a Super Sentai snob. I could really admit this... I really started thinking like 80s-90s Super Sentai (or even Tokusatsu in general) are always the best and even today, in terms of storyline I think the older Super Sentai back then does it much better. As a kid, I watched Kamen Rider Black, Kamen Rider Black RX, Shaider and Gavan but Super Sentai was my top favorite Tokusatsu. In fact, from my first Super Sentai that was Chodenshi Bioman to my favorite that is Chojin Sentai Jetman, I did have some hangovers. I'll admit my childhood Super Sentai were Bioman, Maskman, Turboranger, Fiveman and Jetman. Jetman was the last Sentai series I'd see under awful dubs...