Lupinranger VS. Patranger 33: Les Voleurs Qui Sont Devenus Des Enfants

Bonjour my readers! Well if you've noticed I decided to make le title in French. It actually means "The thieves who became children." -- though I just used Google translator to do so. I might want to do some pretend I'm French when I'm not for every Lupinranger vs. Patranger review in honor of Maurice Le Blanc's estate. Now it's time to move for le review, shall we? It does worry le Global Police about their on/off alliances with Lupinrangers. It reminds me of a scenario when vigilante superheroes end up cooperating with the police. I'm taken back to the 90s with SWAT Kats -- Lt. Feral disapproves of le SWAT Kats while his niece does otherwise. They're a police and of course it's not going to be good for them to team up with vigilantes. This also makes me think of the number of times Detective Zenigata has to cooperate with Lupin III when both of them have common enemies. Le latest monster is known as Envy Chiruda. If turning yo...