Super Sentai Rangers Who Came Back as Ghosts

It was pretty bizarre that in Super Sentai, these rangers actually died and later came back as ghosts. Here are they... Gai Yuki/Black Condor- 20 years later after Jetman, he came back as a ghost first to fight in the Legend War then he also returned to assist the Gokaigers to get the greater power of the Jetmen though the cause of his death was NEVER directly mentioned in that episode. For some funny reason, Gai Ikari could never see him leaving some of the fans to lmao over that episode in Gokaiger. Burai/Dragon Ranger- After he finally died in Zyuranger, he later came back as a ghost for the near finale instructing the Zyurangers a way out of Bandora's dimension. He appeared in Gokaiger during the Legend War and later, together with Mikoto and Naoto to choose Gai Ikari as Gokai Silver. Naoto/Time Fire- In Gokaiger, he appeared during the Legend War and later with Burai and Mikoto to choose Gai Ikari to become Gokai Silver. Shurikenger- Apparently in Abar...