More of Gai Ikari

Well Gai Ikari does differ from Gai Yuuki. How? Here's what we learn about Gai Ikari... Compared to Gai Yuuki, Gai Ikari is shown to be selfless to people. He's no rampaging road wolf. He does easily get along with the rich girl Ahim at first meeting compared to Gai Yuuki. LOL. Also other details... Gai Ikari meets three departed extra Sentai rangers... Mikoto Nakadai, Burai and Naoto Takizawa. Too bad the other two are not out of suit. Shiro Izumi is living a normal life as far as I know. Where is Shinji Kasahara? So we do know Gai Ikari will risk his life to save others, something that Gai Yuuki also did. I also partly get reminded of Tommy's dream in Dino Thunder here. Jason David Frank might want to comment on this. It could also be stressed that he was denied membership at first compared to Gai Yuuki who wanted to escape membership. Some puns... Instead of turning into Shinken Gold, he becomes King Ranger...