The Ki to Inner Power in Super Sentai

Okay I haven't written in awhile due to other passions that tend to make me drift away but I'll write whenever I can. Now for my "ki to inner power" in Super Sentai which I was "inspired to write" by these lines from Chris X's "Super Sentai vs. Super Sentai: Another Time, Another Takeru"... "Momoko, something is bugging me." Takeru, while on the way walking with Momoko, suddenly spoke, "That hand stance… what was that? Why does it make people feel a little better?" "It's my meditation gesture." Momoko explained, "It symbolizes self-healing. I suppose it is better than nothing for the moment with them. We used that as a power to fight… known as Aura Power." "You're teaching my team your Aura Power?" Takeru asked, confused. "Inside a human body, a mysterious power is hidden. With training and discipline, an infinite power can be obtained." Momoko said, "That is...