Sentai Male Rangers I Find Underrated

So here's a bit of those I really find underrated by fans and well, I do like them most. So here they are: Kou/Kibaranger- As said, it came from the non-Japanese fans and I just hate it whenever they bash him (or in extension Justin) for their age. I think a child fighting like the rest is bad-ass. So again, ENOUGH OF THE JUSTIN DISGRACING TOMMY COMMENT! Well if anybody drops Dairanger because of him, I tell them they are MISSING such a wonderful and awesome series that's filled with cracktastic goodness from beginning to end! Riki/Kingranger- Again I believe those who underrate him are the Power Rangers Zeo fans because of... again his age! Unlike Trey of Triforia, he's biologically young. I don't see ANYTHING wrong with that! So I could care less if he's NOT as bad-ass as Jason was as Gold Ranger but, he is STILL bad-ass for me. Genta Umemori/Shinken Gold- It's really sad that Genta should be bashed just like that because compa...