Where are the Super Sentai Teams Now in their Fictional Universe? (Part 3-2000s Era)

Except for Kyoryuger since it's still ongoing, let's get back to the 2000s era... In Timeranger we have Yuuri, Ayase, Domon and Sion return back into the future after the final battle with Gien who was wired crazy. So Tatsuya lives his own life, reconciles with his father and later meets doppelgangers of his friends including one who looks like the deceased Naoto. After the Orgs were defeated, the Gaorangers went into their normal lives. Kakeru became a doctor again, Gaku went back to the military, Sae goes back to school. For Shirogane, he had a hard time adjusting to his new era. The Hurricangers and their allies the Goraigers later went back to the academy. So it's confirmed they have graduated. For Nanami what is known of her is that later she became a pop singer. The Abarangers after defeating Evorian apparently still stuck together except for Asuka returning back to Dino Earth. So Yukito still continues with his chiropractor job with the g...