Super Sentai Villains I Think Have Very High Entertainment Value

Here are Super Sentai villains I thought had really high entertainment value namely: Monster- From Gear's followers, he is basically very, very stupid though Doctor Man admitted he only created him for power. I thought that even after being reprogrammed, he maintains some comical value though I'll credit he hi-jacked the Bio Turbo with Juuoh's help in the quest for speed. Almost every episode about him, he is plain stupid. Doctor Man- Yup I'd agree this guy is pretty entertaining. Okay he's not really the best mad scientist out there but as a kid, I always thought this guy was not only scary but also he basically overshadows the rest of this empire because he's just freaking entertaining. Ahames- A truly menacing foe. While you may have the coolness of Buuba, Giluke or Bazoo but Ahames is one incredibly wicked bitch of a woman. Yup, she really knows how to make the Changemen miserable and she knows how to carry out really dangerous plans adding ent...