Super Sentai Strongest Battle Week 2: The Mysterious Secretive Armor

Just who in the world or who in the f*** (pardon the language) is Gaisorg who first appeared last week ? Okay, I'm already thinking that the Dragon Quest battle theme needs to be played here with this guy. Gaisorg appears and he's harassing everyone. He's seeking for the strongest Super Sentai warriors to feed his bloodlust. I have to admit that it seems Koichi Sakamoto's fondness of explosions makes you wonder if he and Michael Bay are secretly working together. Gaisorg delivers a destructive blow which Akaninger blocks. Is Captain Marvelous always meant to be that jerk with a heart of gold type character who'd rather handle his problems on his own? Seems like it! I like how Stinger arrives and tries to talk sense into Captain Marvelous. So as expected, Rita does have some diabolical plan. She's mad at Gaisorg for interrupting but turns out that he had a ticket to the competition all along. My theory is that Rita's probably a forgetful villain ...