Poll Results for January 31, 2010

Now here are the current poll results that ended as of January 31, 2010. It's time to announce the winners. Which Sentai era was the best? The results are: 59 out of 117 votes for 2000s Sentai, 32 out of 117 votes for the 1990s Sentai, 22 out of 117 votes for the 1980s Sentai and 4 out of 117 votes for the 1970s Sentai. Naturally the winner is 2000s Sentai. Sadly for me, my favorite was the 90s sentai because it was that era where action was more intense than any other. Concerning the views of Kaoru Shiba, well here's the result: 55 out of 121 votes for "It's an Interesting Twist", 26 out of 121 votes for "Poor Takeru" and a tie of 20 out of 121 votes for "Awesome" and "Red rangers should always be male." Lastly for the poll that ended as of today, what do you think of Goseiger. 70 out of 106 people think that it will have the old Sentai feel (which I don't) while 36 out of 106 people think it won't (I'm in this crowd)...