My Fan Type No. 4- The Super Sentai/Power Rangers Fan Type

So I presented Sentai fans who are neutral about Power Rangers, Kamen Rider fans who like Super Sentai even if they like Kamen Rider more, the Gai Ikari types who love Sentai best but treat other Toku wtih respect but what about the Super Sentai/Power Rangers fan type? Do they love both sides equally? Maybe not always but they do like both franchises and may be respectful of other Toku they don't like. Mr. Smith and I actually are in this category. Now don't get me wrong I like Super Sentai better than Power Rangers or even Kamen Rider and Metal Heroes (but I dislike most of Saban's adaptations because of poor execution) and I really don't like other Toku types these days but I don't show unfair hatred. Mr. Smith for one is the super non-biased guy and probably is the true to this type of fan than I am because I really go with Toku at general. One are those who love Super Sentai more than Power Rangers. It's either choice or cultural. In my cas...