Wishful Thinking: Who I Wish Played as Gaja and Ryuon in Boukenger!

As somebody who likes Boukenger but not as much, I thought these guys should have been in Boukenger: For Gaja, I thought the actor Hiroo Okata was just too stiff. For one, Gaja was too generic a villain for me compared to Ryuon, the Questers (as idiotic as they may be) and Yaiba. Namely, I tend to blame the actor. Hiroo Okata is just too stiff and I thought somebody else should have taken the role. Yoshinori Okamoto is another villain actor who came into mind. I have learned from Shougo B'Stard that Yoshinori Okamoto was the actor for Gaja on the Boukenger stage show. I mean, this guy could have made a much stronger Gaja for these reasons. He was both the suit actor AND voice to Adjutant Buuba in Changeman. Later he would be Bo Gardan in Flashman and Dr. Ashura in Liveman. In Hurricanger, he later appeared to both be the suit actor and voice of Sargain and the season was full of Liveman references. He was even the suit actor of Agent...