Sentai Rangers Who Faked Defection

In Super Sentai, we have the art of deception. Here's some rangers I remembered faked their deception: Haruka and Momoko pretended to be under the control of Kiros in Maskman episode 41 They supposedly robbed shops but it was all an act. Not even the Maskmen knew what went on. =P I enjoyed all the gun action they did. Of course, it was revealed by Director Sugata that he set up the shops. The males weren't informed ahead of time -- in order to avoid the plan from being ruined. This created a lot of badass action no longer allowed in present-day Super Sentai . Most gunshots done these days come out pretty comedic. Haruna faked defection in Turboranger episode 19 She did it to get the antidote from Zulten. It was also pretty badass for me. Haruna pretended to be an amnesiac to fool the rather clumsy Zulten in the process. Zulten's really the worst villain in the series. One must wonder why Ragorn never bothered to sentence Zulten to death during the Bouma Real...